Ideas Forum

Welcome to the Ideas Forum! This is a place where you can submit any idea for change about your university experience or vote and comment on existing ideas.

If you can get at least 25 other students to vote for your idea, the Union officers are then able to consider it. Don't stop at 25 though - the more votes and comments an idea gets, the more power it gives us to try to action it!

Once an Idea has reached at least 25 up-votes, it will be sent to Executive Committee and/or Student Summit which are meetings where Union staff and students discuss, vote on and potentially action your idea. So don't hold back, let us know what you want us to do! (You can even post anonymously if you prefer to)

The Ideas Forum is such a direct and effective way to get your voice heard and you can use it as many times as you like during your studies - we know that your needs and wants change year on year, so use the Ideas Forum to reflect the current issues you are facing and let us know what it is you care about.

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  • Make sure your idea clearly states what you want to change and why – things like how it would be funded, who it would apply to – give as much detail as possible. If you don’t, we may have to delete your idea or it could be rejected by students for being too vague.
  • Check to see if the idea has already been passed under the ‘ view passed ideas’ tab – we might already be working on your idea!
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  • Check to see if your idea has been rejected and why under the ‘view rejected ideas’ tab – it might mean slight changes to your post, or it might give you an insight in to how students felt about this topic.

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  • 8 score
    8 votes

    More plug sockets in non lecture rooms like B212 and such

    • Education
    • Opportunities
    • Environment and Sustainability
    • Accessibility
    • Equality
    • University Sites and Campuses
    I’d like to raise an issue regarding the lack of accessible plug sockets in rooms that aren’t lecture halls, such as Room B212. In these spaces, all the sockets are located along the walls, which creates a challenge during workshops or group activities. As we increasingly rely on technology like tablets and other devices, it becomes difficult to stay engaged when we need to charge our equipment. It would help immensely if plugs where in middle of each table for students to use.
Helen Shipley
7:25pm on 19 Jan 25 I agree with this suggestion, we're increasingly using technology in our modules, which is requested by our lecturers. However, the rooms we have had these sessions in do not have appropriate charging facilities, making it difficult and impractical for all.
Sarah Hastings-Quainoo
7:28pm on 19 Jan 25 I agree as the future is looking towards using more technology for everything there should be sufficient plug sockets as people cannot charge their laptop whilst in classroom which can disrupt people's learning.
Ethan Hawkins
7:36pm on 19 Jan 25 I agree not all laptops last the full day and our module is alot of technology based and lack of plugs impacts our learning
Helen Hicks
7:58pm on 19 Jan 25 This is in great demand on our course. Many of us will come to uni on a morning with fully charged laptops but by the afternoon the batteries require a recharge which the rooms cannot accommodate. Those who do manage to find a plug then have to separate themselves from the ieers they are paired to work with in order to sit in those seats by plug sockets. Since many of our pre work course materials are online this means we are unable to access the work conducted in our own time, making it difficult to keep up with the learning. This is also an issue in lecture theatres such as OL2 where the plugs are conveniently placed but many do not work.
Laura Clarke
6:24pm on 25 Jan 25 I agree with this, I understand that the UOD is expanding with new buildings but many classrooms on Kedleston campus are outdated. Many of these rooms don't have enough access to plug sockets to charge devices, technology in courses is a pretty much a must have on many courses, using our laptops in classrooms is important for our learning and work, many of our devices lose battery by the end of the day, which affects our work. Not only are we without plugs, we also have rooms where the wireless Internet can barely reach causing issues with our workshops
Jodie Gregory
11:16pm on 25 Jan 25 I agree. Laptops are used to access lecture slides and for a current module Adobe Express has required our cohort to be actively using our laptops. Insufficient plug sockets has meant some students have not been able to access module content impacting upon learning as laptops have ran out of charge. Even with charging the night before, lectures can be so long and laptops are being used for long periods. More plug sockets are required.