Election Rules

Why do we have rules?

The entire basis of the Union elections, and any election for that matter, is to fairly and democratically elect a candidate. Most rules will appear common sense if all candidates endeavour to be professional, polite, fair, and cooperative.

Remember, candidates are applying to become an official representative of the Union of Students – their conduct through the elections period should be indicative of how they would conduct themselves within the role.

Where are the rules for the elections?

The document that defines the rules and regulations for the entire elections is part of the Union's Standing Orders. You can refer to this document for definitive rules and regulations on how the elections are conducted, counted, and regulated.

Within the Standing Orders you can also find out about the eligibility for students running for any positions, how the nominations, voting, and complaints processes work as well as the role of the Returning Officer.

The Deputy Returning Officer will produce additional rules, regulations, and guidance for individual elections. These will be available to all candidates that are ratified. However, it is the Standing Orders which will be used by the Returning Officer to determine any electoral misconduct. Candidates must be aware that they risk being removed from elections if they fail to observe and practice the guidance provided.

All candidates are advised to read the Standing Orders and familiarise themselves with the rules.

What is a Returning Officer?

The Returning Officer is the person with ultimate responsibility for the smooth-running of the elections. They also have a duty to ensure that the elections are organised fairly, legally, and executed in a democratic manner in line with the Education Act 1994 and Electoral Reform Society. Only the Returning Officer has the authority to remove candidates from the election or declare an election process null and void.

The Returning Officer delegates full responsibility for the operational management of elections to the Deputy Returning Officer and the elections staff. They will then oversee the elections process day-to-day and uphold the Constitution and Standing Orders for all things related to the elections.

The Deputy Returning Officer will be the main point of contact for all candidates and will deal with any issues, complaints, or queries. If the Deputy Returning Officer cannot resolve an issue the matter will be referred to the Returning Officer who will rule on a decision. The Deputy Returning Officer also has the power to impose sanctions to candidates who are unwilling to follow the guidance given to them.