Disciplinary Procedure and Advice A Union self-help guide

Precautionary action

Following an issue or complaint made against you, which causes harm to yourself or others, you may be suspended from the University and all facilities for usually around 20 working days or until the Disciplinary Meeting. This will be reviewed within ten working days by the Head of Student Services who will either terminate the suspension, change it or keep it the same. You can write a report to be considered as part of the review which we can help with.

You may be given a behavioural contract between study, Programme/College, Student Wellbeing or other areas of support. During suspension, you’ll still be able to attend teaching, learning and assessment activities and you’ll be given a key contact.

Preliminary investigations

You will be notified of the allegation within ten working days. The investigator will consult with a senior member of the relevant college or department (usually Dean/Director) to decide whether the allegation can be dismissed or should be carried out either in informal or formal procedures.

Formal procedures

The Dean or Director will decide which level of investigation is most appropriate and inform you within ten working days. The types of formal procedures include local procedures and University level procedures. Both levels allow you the opportunity to state your case, call witnesses and be accompanied by a representative.

The penalties for both procedures could be:

  • An oral or written warning
  • Payment for damage
  • Exclusion from University premises or facilities for a defined period

At the university level, you may also be suspended from a programme or be expelled.

Local procedures

This disciplinary meeting is chaired by a senior member of the department who will be accompanied by another member. If the allegation is proven, an advisory note will be placed on your file summarising the issue and what is expected of you in the future. For more serious cases, your case may be referred for consideration under the University Level Procedures.

University Level Hearing

An allegation of serious misconduct will be considered by a panel of four people who have no prior connection to the allegation, including the Dean/Director as Chair, a senior manager, a student rep and another member of the University. You will receive a minimum of 15 working days’ notice.


Within ten working days of the outcome, you can appeal the decision if new evidence is available, correct procedures were not followed or the consequence is out of proportion with the offence. We can help you write and submit the appeal and if accepted, you’ll be invited to a Disciplinary Appeal panel. If you’re still unhappy with the decision, you’re able to contact the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA) providing that it is eligible under the OIA’s rules. Information is available from the OIA’s website at oiahe.org.uk

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You can contact your Union's independent Advice Service about these, or any other, issues.