Being Vice President (Education)

Being an Officer Trustee is not an easy job, but it is exciting for sure.

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Vice President Education

Being an Officer Trustee is not an easy job, but it is exciting for sure.

Some days you're going to find yourself running around in a day packed with exciting activities. Other days your schedule is full of meetings. One thing is certain, all this work goes towards making the student life easier and more enjoyable.

There are many things that make this role what it is, but, in my opinion, the best must be the interactions I had with students. Learning about the positives and negatives they encountered during their university life and being able to support them when they needed help was something I truly enjoyed doing. It's truly rewarding knowing that I can make a change in the university and leave a legacy behind that positively changes the student experience forever.

As of my favourite moment, it has to be the Freshers Fair. Seeing so many new faces enjoying their day as they walk around the fair, learning things about the university, the union and the Derby city is awesome. What makes this even better is knowing that I helped one way or another into bringing this joy. The second-best moment is definitely when we got to play video games (during working hours) for our ‘Out of Office’ series and I got to scare the other officers with the horror game I picked.

As an Officer Trustee you also get to interact, communicate, and share thoughts with high positioned people in the university such as the Vice Chancellor, her executives, and the university governors.

As I have mentioned earlier, this job is not easy but is rewarding. You’ll need determination, patience, and a tough skin for this role, but it rewards you with the chance of being the voice and change you wish you had as a student as well as giving you knowledge about things you have not even considered or thought about before (but will find interesting).

To nominate yourself for Vice President (Education) any other Student Officer role, full or part-time, head to our elections page.
