Finding Where You Belong

It can be tricky finding where you belong when you’re thrown into a new setting like university; it’s the start of a lot of new beginnings and it can take a while to find your feet. A huge part of university life is getting involved in extracurricular activities, whether it’s trying a new sport, joining a society or getting involved in student elections.

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A group of people raising their glasses at the Sports Awards 2023.

It can be tricky finding where you belong when you’re thrown into a new setting like university; it’s the start of a lot of new beginnings and it can take a while to find your feet. A huge part of university life is getting involved in extracurricular activities, whether it’s trying a new Sport, joining a Society or getting involved in student elections. These ventures will help you find like-minded people who you can work with to create a university lifestyle that suits your wants and needs. Alongside your studies, these extracurricular activities will give you a sense of belonging at university and leave you with an abundance of memories you can look back on when you graduate.

Here at the Union, we want to help you make the most of your time at University and gain a range of experiences, from performing in a musical to hosting your own radio show. An ultimate goal of the Union is to create a vibrant student community that our members are proud to belong to. This is something that we strive to achieve through our Sports, Societies and Student-led Services.

As a student, you can take charge of your own experience and get involved with as many clubs as you wish. Each club (be it Sport, Society or Student-led Service) host a variety of gatherings and events throughout the year, which can include:

  • Social events
  • Sports fixtures
  • Trips
  • Award ceremonies
  • And so much more!

We currently support over 34 sports clubs, 40 societies and three student led services. If that still isn’t enough for you, you can also start your own society if you have a minimum of five people who are also interested.

If you’re not sure which club is the right one for you, you can reach out to them via social media or email (details of which can be found on their pages on our website) to get more information on what they offer and how you can get involved. They’ll be able to give you an insight into life as a member of their club and how it can improve your experience as a student.

Feeling at home at university is a big step, and finding a place where you belong helps make that step a little bit smaller. In a recent survey, 90% of sports members asked agreed that they felt a sense of belonging from being part of a sports club, and 71% of society members asked said the same.

Vice President (Activities) Gabby shared a few thoughts on how getting involved in extracurricular activities can help you find a sense of belonging at university:

Joining a sport or society at university is a great way to find community and belonging. It allows you to connect with like-minded people who share your interests and passions. You get to be part of a team or group, work towards common goals, and build strong friendships. Plus, participating in activities together creates a sense of belonging and support. It's a fantastic way to make lasting memories and have a fulfilling university experience!

You can find more information on the Sports, Societies and Student-led Services on offer on our website.
