Fresh Union Honey now available from Blends!

The first honey of the year is now available to purchase!

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honey bees

The first honey of the year is now available to purchase! 

You may be surprised to learn that we, the Union of Students, have our very own honey bees! 

Back in 2015, the University Estates Department helped us build the apiary where the beehives are kept. This project, made possible by funding from Carling and Semble UK, helps protect the declining bee population as well as enhancing biodiversity. 

For the past seven years, we have been selling the honey in our coffee shops, as well as using it in the Campus Kitchen ketchup, and the first batch of the year is now available to purchase for just £4.95.

Did you know... The reason bees are so noisy is because they beat their wings 11,400 times in one minute!
