Empower Your Voice: Why you should run in our upcoming Union of Students Elections!

I understand that running for the Elected officer roles can be a daunting experience.

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Hi everyone, with our snap elections over and as we slowly move into winter, our main executive officer elections are slowly approaching which is why my article today highlights the importance in empowering your voice and each other to take part in such an a amazing opportunity and experience.

Personally, I understand that running for the Elected Officer roles can be a daunting experience however throughout the whole process, and even now I am in role, there have been so many doors opened, skills learned and developed, fears overcame, and enjoyment spent also being a part of a team who encourage you to be the best you can, and endlessly support you when its needed.

I'm also happy to announce that this year the Union will be providing all candidates with free campaigning packs. They will be given a plain white t-shirt, fabric pens, chalk, plain white fabric to create banners and badge inserts. We also will be having a Campaign Headquarters. This will be a dedicated space open just before and during voting periods, for candidates and their campaign teams to come and receive a free breakfast, meet other candidates, and use Union-provided items (such as a badge maker) to create their campaign materials. There will also be an Elections Official on-hand for the whole of each day to provide support and guidance.

Voice for Change

By running in Union of Students elections, you would have the chance to voice their concerns, ideas, and aspirations on behalf of their peers. If you're passionate about improving university life, addressing specific issues, or advocating for changes that matter to you, becoming a candidate is the first step in making a difference. For instance, when I ran for Vice President (Education) it enabled me to voice the frustration of students at our other satellite sites feel when it comes to the lack of engagement from the Union.

Leadership Development

Running for a Union of Students position provides an excellent opportunity for personal growth and leadership development. Whether you're elected or not, the experience of campaigning, public speaking, and engaging with your peers will help you build valuable skills that will serve you well in your future career. I know it has done for me! When I ran for the position of Vice President of the Union, I gained experience in public speaking and project management which I continue to use and develop in my job now.

Building a Strong Network

Union of Student elections bring students from various backgrounds and academic disciplines together. It is a great way to expand your network and build connections with like-minded individuals who are also committed to improving the university community. I met some inspirational and like-minded people when running in the elections and continue to bounce ideas off one another even now I'm in role.

Effecting Change

When your part of the Union of Students, you have the power to influence decisions that impact the entire University. From organising events and clubs to advocating for academic and University policy changes, being in a Union of Students' position allows you to be a catalyst for positive change. My role has enabled me to empower student voice, and push for positive change in and around our University campuses.

Encouraging students to run in upcoming Union of Students' elections is not only about fostering personal growth and leadership but also about collectively shaping the future of your University. The Union of Students plays a crucial role in the student experience, and it needs dedicated, passionate, and forward-thinking individuals to lead the way. So, if you believe in the power of change and want to make a positive impact on your University community, don't hesitate to throw your hat in the ring and encourage your peers to do the same. Together, you can create a better, more vibrant, and inclusive academic environment for all.

Our Union Executive office (The Fishbowl) door is always open, and don't hesitate to come and chat to us about anything we are more than happy to help 😊
