Five reasons to run in the Snap Elections

Snap Elections exist to fill the Student Officer roles that have been left vacant since the Student Officer Elections in March.

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Five reasons to get involved with VP Education Alex Mazilu.

Snap Elections exist to fill the Student Officer roles that have been left vacant since the Student Officer Elections in March.It is important that we fill all of the roles as Student Officers are one of the ways that we ensure we are representing our diverse student population. Nominations are open now until Tuesday 4th October.

Roles available are:

  • Allied Health & Social Care Officer
  • Built & Natural Environment Officer
  • Derby Business Officer
  • Humanities & Journalism Officer
  • Joint Honours Officer
  • Computing & Engineering Officer
  • Part Time Students Officer
  • Apprenticeships Officer
  • Ethnic Minorities Officer
  • Gender Officer
  • Education Chair
  • Mature Student Officer

Have your voice heard at a bigger scale

The union is here to guide you and help you make your voice heard. But imagine being the person who can have direct impact on student voice and talk directly with the heads of courses or heads of departments about the issues you and other students are facing rather than relying on someone else to send your message across. Wouldn't that be amazing? You will also get to attend important meetings with influential people of the university and see how big changes in the university are made.

Work experience

Even though the role is voluntary, the opportunities and work you can get out of it can still be classed as work experience and would look great in your CV or LinkedIn profile. You can also get rewarded for the work you put in.You can use your role as a Student Officer towards the Futures Award and awards at the annual Union of Students Education Awards as well as a certificate from your officers and some cheeky freebies along the way.

Meet new people

As an Officer, you will get the chance to work and collaborate with different people who are also students like you, some of them sharing interests with you. During my time as student officer, I had the chance to work with people such as the previous Vice President Education, Nina, or the current President, Owen. Therefore, seeing familiar faces in the union when starting my role has helped me with my confidence in the position as well as settling into the role easier.

Get the unique experience of running in an election

Nominating yourself for the elections is not just about the role you get but also the process of getting that role. Running for a position gives you the unique opportunity of running in an election, learning about election rules and promoting yourself to students.

Work with people who care as much as you do

Everyone at the union is working to give students the best education experience, and we are here to support you every step of your journey to make the student experience even better. Also, have I mentioned how wonderful and lovely everyone in the union is?
