4 brand new Rep Successes

Student reps are feeding back to the Union and representing YOU on your chosen programme. Your nominated reps are making amazing changes that have a huge impact on a range of things including moving deadlines, placement opportunities and extra support from academic staff.

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A picture of two reps wearing red tshirts at Rep Conference

Here are some of the Rep Successes that have happened across a range of programmes

  1. A few students raised a concern on not getting enough information from teachers to help with their personal learning and understanding. I raised this in the programme committee meeting as well as telling the University staff in my department and they have now given personal support and given the student extra hours to help with their learning
  2. The layout of the week by week resources was not consistent across modules and caused confusion for students. I flagged this up with my module leaders and they have acted upon this, and now they use the same layout for both modules.
  3. The Masters students have had issues with both course resources and the access to the timetable so far this year. I bought this up at the meeting in November and the programme leader was not aware of these issues. She noted them and at our next lesson she informed us that these had now been fixed and it was an internal error with the wrong buttons being pressed! The students now have access to the correct information on course resources and access to the timetable.
  4. Students were concerned about the level of information regarding placement criteria and when it needed to be sorted by. I emailed our placement module leader for our course asking for any information regarding this. The module leader sent me the information via email. I then posted the information on our course area (Microsoft Teams) and in our course group chat. The module leader also posted to teams and answered any additional questions students had and then also consulted our course group during contact time.
