Student Summit and Ideas Forum Updates

Ideas from our Ideas Forum may soon be becoming a reality!

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Student Summit and Ideas Forum Actions

Have you posted an idea for change on our Ideas Forum this year? Well, if your idea got 25 votes or more, it could be becoming a reality very soon! 

What can happen to my Idea?

If you posted an Idea on the Ideas Forum which has received more than 25 up-votes, it will be dealt with in one of five ways, outlined below:-

  1. The idea is taken to an Executive Committee Meeting at the Union to decide whether it can be passed or whether it is being rejected.
  2. Your idea is taken to Student Summit for a final round of voting, to either be passed or rejected. 
  3. Your idea is immediately rejected because it does not clearly state what you want to change and why,
  4. Your idea is taken to Trustee Board for further consideration because either a) it may bring the Union in to disrepute, b) it may negatively impact on our members or c) it may pose a financial threat. 
  5. Your idea has already been passed, therefore you will be notified on the original and your idea will be archived within 3 working days.

So, what is actually happening to my idea?

The following ideas which received over 25 upvotes are being taken to the Student Summit on 27th November to be voted on by nearly 200 students spread across the full range of our sites, colleges and programmes.

What if I don't agree with those ideas that are going to Summit and don't want to see those changes made?

Any student is invited to Summit to give a speech against an idea. If you would like to do this, please contact by no later than 26th November. 

The following ideas which have received over 25 upvotes have been passed to the Union executive committee (of elected officers supported by staff) and an update will be provided to you directly on the Ideas Forum post over the next couple of weeks, followed by a summary article.

What happens if my idea is passed?

If your idea is passed, you will be notified within three working days of Summit or as soon as possible on the original post and the idea will stand for the remainder of the academic year in which it is passed and then for a further three academic years. The Union of Students will endeavour to action your idea, as much as is reasonably possible. 

What if my idea is rejected? 

If your idea is rejected at Summit, by the Executive committee or due to not being clear enough, you will be notified as to why. You are allowed to submit the same idea twice in any academic year, so you can resubmit the idea to the Ideas Forum a second time if you wish. 

What if voting is tied at Summit?

If voting is tied over an idea that proceeds to Summit, the idea will be submitted to the next Summit. 

What if my idea needs to pass to Summit but doesn't reach over 25 votes in time or if the Summit agenda fills up?

Don't worry, we will hold another Summit on February 12th.

What if I'm not happy with the outcome of my idea? 

Unfortunately, the decisions made by the Union Executive Committee, Summit and/or Trustee Board are final and non-negotiable. However, you are able to resubmit your idea on the Ideas Forum one further time in the same academic year for a second shot at getting it passed!

How can I get involved in Summt? 

Unfortunately the Summit meeting is now full, however you can still get involved in discussions around this on the day. The Union Officers will be doing an Instagram takeover on 27th November. There will be polls leading pu to and on the day asking for your opinons around the ideas, so make sure you vote and get your voice heard!

How can I find out about the results of Summit?

We will be posting an article on this website - so keep your eyes peeled!
