New Students, PAL is here to support you!

Peer Assisted Learning is where a PAL Leader (a student in their second year or above), from your discipline, supports you in your first/foundation year.

PAL Leaders are here to give you top tips about settling into university life, to signpost you to resources and support, and to help with questions relating to your course.

We have developed some online, student-only, spaces for you to collaborate with your peers and to find the latest information and updates from your PAL Leaders.

How to get involved

To get involved with PAL all you need to do is find your PAL leader and get involved within their Teams channel (you're automatically a part of it when you enrol).

Once there, you can ask a question to about any aspect of University Life and any support you may need with your academic studies, such as:

  • Where do I find…?
  • How do you use…?
  • And any tips for….?
  • Or specific questions about your academic studies...

Your PAL leaders are there to help you settle into university life, and to be a friendly channel of support to help you and signpost you where needed.

Why get involved?

We strongly advise joining this scheme as it has so many benefits:

  • Advice and tips from students who have been in your position
  • Support from a peer, (so you can feel confident in asking any question relating to your studies)
  • Tips and tricks to help you adjust to university life quicker
  • Help to cement your understanding of the support available at Derby
  • Help you to meet new people in your discipline and develop your sense of community here at Derby

If you have any other questions about PAL do not hesitate to get in touch with the Union of Students via