
Ordinary Members are those who have full membership access to the society. OMs, who are all current students, have access to every part of the society including:

  • Social channels, such as our Discord and Minecraft server
  • Closed-door debates and PPGs
  • Committee voting and standing as a candidate

Associate Memberships can be paid for by any staff member, alumni or individual on the University Registry. AMs are required to pay a higher fee to the Union of Students to join a society, and whilst they have access to most of the society, they cannot vote or stand in committee elections.

AFAM is a programme that the society runs that allows final year members to have access to the social parts of the Debate Society. AFAMs are offered to any individual who was a paid ordinary member in their final year of university and has since graduated. Anyone with an AFAM can only be a part of the social channels of the society and are not permitted to any closed-door event or have any part of committee elections.