

Welcome to the University of Derby Warhammer Society Page!


Introduction to us!

The Derby Warhammer Society focuses on all aspects of Warhammer including building, painting, playing and reading. The Warhammer Society is a friendly and relaxed tabletop game club where you can make friends, play some games and discuss some lore.

We are open to all different game types of Warhammer such as: 40k, Age of Sigmar, Bloodbowl, Horus Heresy, Necromunda and Kill team.


During the academic year we run sessions twice a week. These sessions will run on Mondays and Thursdays from 4pm until 9pm in N509 at Kedleston Road Campus.If you have any issues finding this room please either message us on instagram or ask for help in our discord server both of which you can find links to on this page!

Membership and Prices!

To access sessions and events, you will need both the Union Pass (£5) and Society Membership (£5). The Union Societies Pass is a one-time fee of £5 that allows you to join our amazing Union societies.

As a Union Societies member, you receive the following benefits:

- Access to join a range of Societies

·- Able to purchase tickets for the Society Awards

- Accident Insurance

The Union Societies Pass fees go straight back into funding societies throughout the year and is not spent on anything else.



This year, we intend on holding an event a month, to see what events we are holding please look at our calendar page (click me)!



In 2023/2024 we won two awards at the yearly Community Awards. We won both the Most Inclusive Society of the Year and Committee of the Year.

Our committee!

President: Hannah Wilson

Game Systems: Age of Sigmar, Underworlds, Bloodbowl and 40K.

Armies: Seraphon, Cities of Sigmar, Lizardmen (Bloodbowl) Tyranids, The Starblood Stalkers and Ephilim's Pandaemonium.


Secretary: Kaeda Hipkiss

Game Systems: Age of Sigmar, Bloodbowl, Underworlds, Kill Team and 40K.

Armies:  Skaven, Lizardmen Team (Bloodbowl), Khorne Team (Bloodbowl), Grinkrak's Looncourt, Skabbick's Plague Pack and Space Marines.


Treasurer: Callum Elias

Game Systems: 40K, Kill Team, Bloodbowl, Underworlds, Age of Sigmar and Horus Heresy.

Armies Tyranids, Space Marines, Goblin Team (Bloodbowl), Flesh-eater courts, Zondara's Gravebreakers and Alpha Legion.


Social Secretary: Alex Michaelides

Game Systems: 40K and Kill Team.

Armies: Death Guard, Space Marines and World Eaters.


Age of Sigmar Ambassador: Tash Lynch

Game Systems: Age of Sigmar, Underworlds, Bloodbowl and 40K.

Armies: Nurgle, Gloomspite Gitz, Gnomes (Bloodbowl) and Votann.


40K Ambassador: Matthew Hibbert

Game Systems: 40K, Kill Team and Underworlds.

Armies: Custodes, Space Marines, Phobos (Kill Team) and Hexbane's Hunters.


Contact us!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to get in contact with us. The best way to contact us would be through email.

Our email is: warhammer.soc@derbyunion.co.uk


Social media!

If you'd like to get in touch with other people who enjoy Warhammer please feel free to join our discord or check out our social media accounts by clicking this link:



Important documents!

Here is our Inclusivity plan:


Our Constitution:



 By purchasing a membership you agree to follow our Constitution.