Welcome to University of Derby Cricket Club
We are an all inclusive team that cater to all experiences, abilities and genders. We currently have 1 competitive Mens team that play in BUCS Midlands Tier 2A, as well as 2 friendly teams, 1 Male and 1 Female team, both of which were installed into the club last year. We have fixtures from April - June. As well as this, we participate in the BUCS Indoor Tournaments throughout the winter.
What we want to achieve
One of our main aims for this year is to be a lot more competitive in the league, as for the last few years, we have been in a relegation battle every year. We also are looking to continually improve our development and women's friendly teams by playing more friendly fixtures with teams from around the Derby area along with other local Universities.

We have 2 training sessions a week throughout the academic year. We aim to split the sessions into 2, Social/Development (UOD Sports Centre) and Performance (Indoor Centre). In our Performance Sessions, we will look to split our focusses. In the 1st Semester we will look to focus on keeping fit, whilst also keeping an eye on our upcoming BUCS Indoor games. In the 2nd Semester, we will look to prepare the players for outdoor season.
For anyone wanting to get involved, we will be running our first 2 training sessions in the Sports Centre as 'Give It A Go' sessions. This allows anyone to come to the first 2 sessions completely free of charge and try out our sport.
Semester 1 (Monday 16th September - Friday 13th December)
Monday: 6pm - 8pm - Derbyshire CCC Indoor School - DE21 6DA (16/09/24 - 28/10/24)
Friday: 3pm - 5pm - Derbyshire CCC Indoor School - DE21 6DA (08/11/24 - 13/12/24)
Friday: 7pm - 8:30pm - University of Derby Sport Centre - DE22 1GB
Semester 2 (Wednesday 22nd January -)
Wednesday: 2pm - 4pm - Derbyshire CCC Indoor School - DE21 6DA
Friday: 7pm - 8:30pm - University of Derby Sport Centre - DE22 1GB

We have socials every Wednesday, these are the perfect opportunity for team bonding whilst having a good time. As a club, we often do themed nights as well as partaking and running social events with just Cricket club as well as doing joint socials with other sports and societies from the University. We also run an array of sober socials for our non-drinking members these include activites like bowling and mini golf. Either way, a social with the Rob Cross Barmy Army is definitely not to be missed!!

To access the sessions, you will need both the Union Pass (£20) and Cricket Membership, which all in, is £60. This £60 is split into two, the main cricket membership is £35, this makes you a cricket member and eligible to come to socials and training. The other part is the BUCS Top up, which is £25, this on top allows you to play for our competitive 1st team in the BUCS leagues.
The Union Sports Pass is a one-time annual fee of £20 that gives you access to participate within sports at your Union. As a Union Sports member, you receive the following benefits:
· Access to join our Sports Clubs and access training sessions
· You are eligible to compete in BUCS competition
· Able to purchase tickets to the Sports Awards
· Specific Personal Accident Insurance for student sport through Endsleigh, if you are injured as part any club activities -
· Access to coaching and officiating bursaries through club application to the Union.
The Union Sports Pass also helps keep our clubs affordable by helping the Union fund training and competition opportunities.
How to get in touch with us
If you are intrested in joining, either to play or just being a social member, feel free to have a chat with one of our committe members about life at UODCC. Come find us at the Freshers Fair on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th September, where we can answer all your questions or send us a message on Instagram (@uoderbycc).