Expired Ideas

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  • 6 score
    10 voters

    Lanyards to have reflective stripe etc

    • Wellbeing
    • Resources
    • Travel and Parking
    • Accessibility
    • Representation
    I believe that our lanyards should have a small reflective stripe or area on them. This would be beneficial in the winter especially when the days are shorter and it gets darker earlier, especially useful for those students walking home in the dark. It may not look hugely "cool" but it would be great for safety and would also be helpful when lost in your dark room!
Jake Mander
9:35pm on 2 Feb 19 Jury rig yourself one :D https://shinytape.co.uk/products/yellow-reflective-tape?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrp-LuICe4AIVZZPtCh2aXgufEAQYAyABEgKOxvD_BwE