Expired Ideas

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  • 20 score
    22 voters

    Enrolment Overhaul

    • Wellbeing
    • Education
    • Accessibility
    As a current student and employee of the Clearing Enquiry Line 2019 it is clear to me that the enrolment system is outdated, user unfriendly and clearly not robust enough to handle the workload it is required to process. Please can the university invest in updating the system and the enrolment process as a whole in order to improve user function and student service. Suggested improvements; clean up and restructure the UI, and improve stability of the online process to reduce crashing and bugs.
Lili Kent
3:33pm on 13 Sep 19 I don't know if this would be a Union thing, but maybe it could still be brought up and discussed? I think people on the enquiry line could at least be given more training/authority to action things themselves - like enrolling people over the phone, or being able to edit details?
Joanne Easom
4:33pm on 15 Oct 19 The enrolment this year was dire and I know people are still having difficulty accessing timetables. In the end all of our discipline was asked to complete our enrolment options on paper, which kind of defeats the purpose of an electronic system. I agree wholeheartedly with this.