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    Need for Permanent Prayer Space in Markeaton & Kedleston road campuses for Muslims Students and Staff

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    There is a need to provide a permanent prayer space for Muslim students and staff of the university at the Markeaton and Kedleston Road campuses. The permanent prayer space will enable students to practice their faith timely and inclusively. Finally, the permanent prayer space will provide a platform for congregational prayers that plays a vital role in fostering a sense of social connections that contribute to overall well-being and mental health and provide emotional support.
Awwal Mangga
4:20pm on 2 Nov 23 Especially at Markeaton campus. Not only is it inconvenient to have to walk to Britannia Mill to pray it is also time consuming considering the tight schedule of lectures and lab sessions.
Ridwan Mustapha
5:50pm on 2 Nov 23 Excellent idea especially for some of us in the hostels close to Markeaton (e.g. St. Christophers) it'll give us a place to pray in congregation as Keddleston is quite a walk.
Yasir Abdulkareem
7:26pm on 2 Nov 23 Yes, I'm also happy with this development, most especially the Markeaton campus. Students have to go all the way to Britannia Mill to pray. We will be happy if the request Is duly considered.
Tasneem Islam
12:43pm on 5 Nov 23 A prayer space would be good, it would help with students attendance too, not having to go home or go to another campus to pray and come back. Being inclusive, aware and considerate of everyone's beliefs and religion by considering a prayer space would be very helpful. We have an entire society, so you have a large Muslim community, so it is only right to follow through and add a prayer space. Thank you.
Ayah Ahmed
8:34pm on 5 Nov 23 Permanent Muslim prayer spaces are a basic fundamental to a smooth running workplace/place of study since there are set times for each obligatory prayer. Derby uni hosts a large Muslim community and faiths and beliefs should always be catered for. We hope that there can be permanent prayer spaces that are accessible at all times. Multiple permanent prayer spaces would minimise likelihood of being late to lectures because less time is spent going to and from the very few available spaces.
Talha Bangash
3:49pm on 10 Nov 23 Religion and Study are two very critical aspects for students to really enjoy the fruits of early adulthood, therefore it is necessary for students to have a personal space or spaces where they can better support themselves and others around them. Catering for these needs allows for a better understanding between all students and further diversify the union. A prayer room for Muslims further cements this unity.
Hassan Abdi
4:08pm on 21 Nov 23 We as a muslim university of derby students we need permanent prayer room in Kedleston and Markeaton Campus.
Waliu Oladimeji Jimoh
2:46pm on 24 Nov 23 There is need for permanent Muslims prayer room at Markeaton Campus, and possibly at Britannia Mill Campus too. I believe the University Authority will make provisions for all Muslims so that we do our studies without neglecting our obligatory duties as Muslims
Dom White
4:25pm on 11 Mar 24 Hi Aliyu, at present the University is reviewing its space usage, As president, I have been pushing for more Nursing & Prayer spaces across our sites. As the University continues its drive into the city, more students will be moved into the city based campuses such as the new business school away from KR. with this movement of students the University will look at the spaces that are freed up and expand facilities such as prayer rooms where able. Whilst I appreciate this isn't an immediate fix, there is long term solutions in the pipeline, for example, we provided challenge that the new business school didn't have prayer space, the building floor plans were changed which means there now will be when the building opens! Rest assured, I and the VP Welfare, will continue to advocate for these spaces and push for access.