Unsuccessful Ideas

These are ideas that have reached the voting threshold but have been turned down by Exec or Summit.

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  • 57 score
    67 voters

    Graduation to be garden parties at Chatswoth

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    Following Covid and the year and a half (those of us graduating this year) have had to go through, especially considering the fact final year without a pandemic is the hardest of university. Our current Chancellor the Earl of Burlington owner of Chatsworth, has the perfect location for an outdoors, covid safe graduation which would enable the government allowed celebrations and provide graduating students with the awards ceremony they deserve after the unprecedented challenges already faced.
Dave Lochtie
12:47pm on 10 May 21 You may be interested to know about the upcoming summit - https://www.derbyunion.co.uk/ents/event/2879/. It may not be too late for this idea to be considered but it would need significantly more votes
Amy Holder
3:28pm on 10 May 21 The primary issue I see here is that it's nearly an hour by car and many students may not be able to make it because of that.
Iona Sinclair
4:56pm on 10 May 21 Surely the summit could explore the option of the university running buses/coaches to and from derby as part of the graduation ceremonies?
Fallon Smith-Kerry
5:22pm on 10 May 21 This is such a lovely idea. I've got to say, after a terrible end to university, I couldn't think of anything more disappointing that not being able to have a graduation. I am in favour of this idea
Claire Tooby
6:35pm on 10 May 21 I think this would be a fantastic idea
Kim Scoble
6:44pm on 10 May 21 Those of us due to graduate this year completed half of our degree in a pandemic and with only online learning. The cancellation of graduations is devastating. This is a fantastic idea. I realise that the velodrome is being used as a vaccination centre, so this should be considered to give the graduates of 2020/2021 the celebration they deserve and have worked hard for
Kammie Chantrey
7:05pm on 10 May 21 As a year two I think this is a great idea! Would love for this to be extended to next years graduates too...
Samantha Timmins
9:30pm on 10 May 21 I think this is a great idea after completing half of our second year and all of our Final Years during the covid pandemic! This will be a lovely end and a great chance to see people face-to-face again!
Beckie Goodman
12:11pm on 11 May 21 Love this idea! And a bus service could be put on for those students who cannot make it by car
Chloe Haywood
7:04am on 12 May 21 It is so upsetting to finish 3 years online with no celebration of all our hard work. It would be really nice if something like this could be arranged!
Nina Cupric
1:16pm on 17 May 21 This idea has now closed, following the university's announcement around November graduation dates for the 2020 and 2021 graduates.