Candidate for the position of Postgraduate Taught Officer

Image for Brett Marriott

Brett Marriott

My name is Brett, I am a MA Creative Writing student and have served as programme rep for the last two years.

Life is hard right now, but as we look to the future it is important that we remain focussed and stay strong.  

The challenges facing us have led to an unprecedented level of online learning. Whilst I commend both the students and university for embracing this digital approach, it has highlighted shortcomings which I believe can be improved. 

  • I want to see the library increase the number of books from module reading lists that are assessible as ebooks or online journals. With many of us being forced to distance learn it is important now more than ever that recommended reading and set texts be readily accessible to students without need to access the physical library. Reading lists are produced in advance of modules starting so I would campaign to see more of those texts become available both as physical copies and online going forwards.
  • Many postgraduate students balance study with work and family. While it is ideal for all students to attend lectures, it must also be understood that this is not always possible. The current online approach has shown that students can learn from home when necessary and when the materials are available. However, these materials are not always available. This year I've had lectures primarily on blackboard, but on occassion they have also been on teams and zoom. Whilst flexibility should be encouraged, this has led to confusion when attempting to locate lectures to rewatch. I would like to see the university adopt a policy were all courses and tutors use one universal means to teach online. By doing this, it should alleviate difficulties and allow students to locate lecture recordings easier.
  • One of the biggest tragedies of the lockdown has been that the class of 2020 never received a physical graduation ceremony. With the disruption set to continue, this also throws into doubt physical ceremonies for this years class. I would see all students past and present receive the graduation they deserve. I would.therefore lobby the university upon the easing of restrictions to invite those students back and grant them the graduation they have earned.

My aims seek to improve the online element of university learning by ensuring the availabilty of materials. I would also see the continued support of students past and present during these difficult times. If you agree, then vote for me.