Candidate for the position of Vice President (Welfare)

Image for Neil Pennell

Neil Pennell

My name is Neil Pennell and I’m a third year creative writing student. I’m the current LGBTQ+ PTO officer and I’m running for VP Welfare. In my second year I was the president of the LGBTQ+ society and ran many successful events, including the Masquerade Ball.


As a trans student, I found the uni’s original trans policy weren’t as good they could be. Because of this, I have spent the last two years campaigning for a more comprehensive and progressive trans policy within the uni.  What I have found at my time at uni is a friendly and approachable union who want the best for all students. I want to enhance the experience of students and, if elected, I will do this in 3 main ways:


  1. Improve the university wellbeing service through feedback from students. Several officers have already conducting student surveys and I want to continue this work. A vital aspect of the union of students is the student voice.

  2. Focus on the mental health of students through union run events.

  3. Ensure the university effectively implements its new and improved trans policy.