Candidate for the position of Sports Councillor

Image for Dominic White

Dominic White


Hello, I’m Dominic and I’m standing for re-election to the Sports Council !!

Having played on the rounders team for the last three going on four years, serving on committee for the last three with my recent election win for Rounders President, on top of a productive year as a sports councillor helping to prepare our Union for a return to sports, as seen with several of our outdoor teams already returning, and as a councillor playing a role in the preparation for the Sports Awards, to say ive been busy is an understatement !!!

I like many have been able to enjoy the social and sporting opportunities granted to me by a diverse and welcoming team. But my experience and that of every team member is different. New and current students often feel put off or unable to approach sports clubs, because of social anxieties or simply have never played before.

If you re-elect me, I will commit to helping to lead a Sports Union that works for you, whether you are a sporting novice or a top performing athlete. I certainly don’t profess to be an elite pro-athlete because frankly lets be honest I’m really not haha!! But I am, very enthusiastic about sports and I am someone who really believes in the sense of community and spirit of Team Derby and I want to use this community of ours to reach out to more students across our student body, SO…

here’s my three main points of what I’d like to achieve if re-elected:

  • Using the Sports Councils Platforms to further promote team's and drive recruitment, as well as champion the achievements you, our amazing teams and players make!!!
  • To continue to promote and foster a spirit of friendly co-operation between team's, with the creation of events, such as setting up a annual "Sports Council Sports Day!!"
  • To work with Union services such as marketing to boost team’s online presence and to get more sports team's, more involved with the decision process on how the Union and Sports Council represents you and the interests of our sports team's!!