Candidate for the position of Student Parents & Carers Officer

Rhiannon Griffiths

Hi, I'm Rhiannon, a first year Early Childhood Studies student. I am also a parent of a wonderful, 16 month old, little boy.

Being a parent isn't the easiest of tasks, with the added pressure of a degree, it seems near on impossible.

BUT we are strong and we can achieve what we set our minds to. Our determination is unmatched!

I will do my best to arrange meet ups for parents and carers, these could be a simple walk round the park, or a more planned event within the university grounds. All ages would be welcome!

When starting university there is no way of notifying them of our caring responsibilities. I'd like to make it so the university is aware of our commitments, and see if some support can be put in place to ensure we get the most out of our journey's.

I would like to set up a 'buddy system' to give those entering the university, as a parent, someone who is likeminded and can support on a personal level, rather than just academic. At the end of the day, we are all in this together!

Vote Rhiannon for your Part-Time Officer (Parents and Carers)!