Candidate for the position of Vice President (Activities)

Image for Gabriela Gretkowska

Gabriela Gretkowska



Hi, I’m Gabby and I am running for…

Vice President of Activities!


I am a third-year Sport and Exercise Student, graduating in July.  

I have been part of the Women’s Rugby Union team for two years now, and this year I served as their Social Secretary. I have worked alongside RAG and the Student Union to promote the Women’s rugby team as well as support numerous charity events at the University throughout the year. Having worked alongside different student communities I feel I have gained a range of skills and experience, which I look forward to inputting into my new role. I aim to take over past work and continue communicating and working with students at the university to combat the challenges that are affecting them within their communities. 


1. Greater support and opportunities for societies 


I aim to proactively encourage societies to get involved in recruitment events to display their diverse community and promote memberships and engagements. As well as meeting regularly with the societies council to listen to their concerns and feedback. I will aim to develop a platform to bring like-minded people together to create a greater interest in societies. Enforcement of workshops for society committees on engagement to ensure societies have an increasing number of active members. By working with society committees, I am hoping to create societies a sense of community between societies. 


2. To increase accessibility and inclusivity of the activities offer 


To promote a wider range of inclusive extra curriculum activities to attract more students, increasing participation and involvement throughout societies and sports clubs. Ensuring there is something accessible to everyone. I aim to regularly meet with the sports council to discuss student feedback and utilise it to create a more accessible community for all. Continuing the development of Para-Sports at the university will allow us not only the opportunity to become more of an accessible and inclusive university but open our doors to a whole new range of students. This is an important aim that I want to keep developing which allows us as a university to widen the opportunities that we can offer here in derby. 


3. Increase social media presence and improve support to all societies sport and student lead services. 


Using social media to expand support shows to all societies, sports and student-led services to ensure students are aware of all events happening in and around the university, increasing engagement and support across. Creating a sense of community between the students and the university. I aim to use the increase in social media presence to also highlight what’s going on/involve Buxton, leeks college and the Chesterfield campus. Continue the development of increased interaction with students from other campuses, making sure they are supported, listened to and heard. Ensure all societies are presented with opportunities to work alongside the student union to promote their activities and events.