
Frequently Asked Questions

We always aim to be as helpful as we can, so here are some answers to common questions we get each year.

Q: Can I join?

A: Yes, any University of Derby Student can join the society, subject to the Union of Student requirements.

Q: How much do I have to pay?

A: The Law Society membership fee is £15.00.

Fees go straight into the society accounts, so the more members we get, the better funded we become, meaning we can put on bigger and better events! 

Membership lasts until June 30th 2023.

Q: Do some events have extra costs?

A: We will always use the society's funds to hold events, however, on a few occasions there may be a small additional cost. Looking ahead to the Law Ball, this event will be ticketed and there will be a fee.

Q: What should I do if I have a complaint?

A: If for any reason you are not satisfied with any of the services offered by the Law Society then we ask that you email us at our society email:

If you would like to contact the Society President Alec, please ask for his contact information by using the above email address

We strive to deal with all complaints as quickly as possible while also being fair and transparent.