BLC Course Reps

What is the BLC Course Rep Scheme?

The Union of Students are responsible for helping students make positive changes to their course and improve the student experience at college. Course Reps are responsible for gathering feedback from class groups and coming up with solutions to problems with key members of the teaching team.

What do Course Reps do?

Course reps gather student feedback and discuss in rep meetings, with the Union and academic tutors, and they work to implement changes to improve the college experience.

Feedback can be gathered on:

  • Course content
  • Teaching methods
  • Timetabling
  • Facilities
  • Transport
  • Student experience

Being a course rep is a fantastic opportunity for you to improve skills and a great opportunity to put on your CV when you apply for jobs. You will receive training on how to do your role effectively and you will have full support from the Union.  

If you are interested in this role and representing your course - let your teacher or a member of the Union team know.   

If you are elected into a role, you will need to register online so you can receive updates on training, any events and more!