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  • 34 score
    40 voters

    Student Kitchen Surface

      I personally feel that it may be beneficial to students if there was an area where there are a couple of microwaves for example, where students, (and staff), who bring their own dinner to Uni and warm it up if necessary. As long as student's respect the space, I think people would appreciate this.
    Heather Saranne
    5:11pm on 1 Feb 16 Agreed, but unfortunately it will just cause problems - some people will leave it a mess and others will resent having to either clean it up or prepare their own food in an unhygienic environment. It happens in small teams within a work environment, so with potentially 100s of students using the facilities it wouldn't be long before it was an unusable mess!
    Craig Picton
    11:25pm on 6 Feb 16 A few microwaves and a few kettles dotted around each campus would be great!
    Hannah Staton
    7:39pm on 15 Feb 16 Or just make it so the shops/canteens can facilitate students who want to warm something up
    Holly Mowbray
    11:01pm on 15 Feb 16 I agree, this is my 4th year here and I dread to think how much money I've spent on food at Uni because I like something hot in winter but have nowhere to heat my own food up. Sometimes I am in uni over lunch and dinner time so microwaves would be helpful. I can live without a kettle, 20p for hot water if I bring my own herbal tea is reasonable
    Gillian Baker
    4:48pm on 15 Mar 16 I think it is a good idea for students to have the use of a microwave /kettle in Uni as I spend a lot of time here studying as well as for lectures and extra workshops. This means I am often here all day with a few hours between lectures. Also, I am gluten, wheat and dairy intolerant which can make mealtimes frustrating as these foods/snacks are generally more expensive.