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    21 voters

    Blend discount for using reusable mug

      Blends should offer discount for people who bring a reusable coffee cup such as the travel mugs sold in the shop, this will not only encourage sales of these mugs but will reduce the amount of disposable cups used and therefore reduce the amount of waste we produce.
    Dave Lochtie
    11:14am on 30 Jan 18 From Blends - "This is something we already do in Blends, if you bring your own reusable mug, we offer a 10p discount on people who bring a travel mug bought from one of our shops. However, we are looking at marketing this better.". Hope that helps!
    Eloisa Hellen
    10:17am on 1 Feb 18 A lot, if not the majority of people already own travel mugs though, i feel like thats just encouraging people to buy more things they don't need.
    David Taylor
    10:51am on 1 Feb 18 Thanks for the Info Dave Lochtie, maybe the staff need to be told as I always use my own mug but have never been offered a discount. Eloisa, people have choices if they don't want to buy a travel mug then they don't have to
    Robert Ellett
    1:39pm on 14 Feb 18 A 10p discount seems minimal and doesn't reflect the great benefit of not sending more disposable waste to landfill. Discount should be something like at least 10% off the drink price. And this shouldn't be dependent upon purchasing a specific travel mug, as this is just plainly extortionate - a £3.00 mug would take 30 drink purchases, to even break even and an inappropriate demand, if we are committed to reducing materials and eliminating any expenditure that is not essential. Don't seek to extract maximum money from students at any opportunity! (Tip: do the opposite and help us save).