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  • 49 score
    49 voters

    Evening number 4 buses

      The number 4 buses should run as late as lectures do. Both for people having lectures in the evening especially during times of the year when it gets darker earlier. This will ensure more safety to students travelling in the dark as transport between the campus' would avoid having to walk through the alley ways, parks and darker areas that are between the campus'.
    Heather Saranne
    5:07pm on 1 Feb 16 Totally agree. And why does the number 5 go to Markeaton car park in the daytime but not in the evenings? I often have to walk back to my car in the dark. There should be safe transport back to the car parks and other campuses.
    Holly Mowbray
    10:59pm on 15 Feb 16 Agreed, with the number 4 running later. In winter, walking home in the dark is not pleasant. I walk as fast as I can or have to pay and get the number 5 to a road that is more well lit than the main road between ked' road and Markeaton roundabout